Dmitrii Ivanovich Kyssa
Who we areA Man Behind The Wine
The cellar, noted in history, has resisted till our days and belongs to the wine factory “Leuntea-Vin”. The wine is kept here In wooden barrels, just the same way, as in the past.
The wine is created by the owner of the winery, Dmitrii Kyssa. He is an oenologist with more than 45 years’ experience in the industry , who personally controls the quality of production and strictly observes the technology.
Our wine is produced from grapes, grown on our own vineyards, located nearby the river Nistru in the Purcari region, whose fertile soil, rich in microelements, grants optimal conditions for the creation of exceptional extractive wines. The grape grows far away from the highway, which excepts the toxicity of the raw material. The high alcohol concentration of the wines following from the high own sugar of the grapes, then the storage of thewine in the cellars at low temperatures allow to minimize and even exclude the use of sulphites (SO2).
We are a dynasty of winemakers in the fourth generation, dedicated and passionate about our specialty. Our main task is to preserve the traditions, the quality of the wine production, to convey the spirit of the past, the atmosphere and the history of the place. We want to share the heritage with people of Moldova and guests from abroad.